125th Anniversary Logo for the UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley

One of my favorite local spots is the UC Berkeley Botanical Garden.  The Garden's incredibly gorgeous grounds house one of the nation's most diverse plant collections, and I love visiting in every season.  This spring has been especially gorgeous.  Despite our drought, the garden had a fantastic bloom and also hosted a large population of breeding newts in its Japanese pond. I had never seen newt eggs before, but this year they dotted the pool like little outer-space capsules.  Very cool!

I'm so pleased to have had a chance to work with the Garden to create their 125th Anniversary logo.  The Garden wanted to maintain elements of their long history and tradition while also  updating their look for 2015.  I created a logo with an updated take on their traditional signature rhododendron flower, and also played with a mixture of traditional and modern fonts and layouts. 

A fun project with a wonderful organization!